React script unpkg
React script unpkg

But it has all of the features as you'd expect building a v16 React.js app.Ĭlass HelloWorld extends React. If you need a development version of `react` just replace `production.min` with `development` in the react urls below. This gives us the ability to use arrow functions `myFunc = () => ` as well as create a minified version of our app's code (aka ``) like `create-react-app`'s build does. If you want a npm http server consider using `npm install -save-dev http-server` and replacing `python3 -m rver 8888` with `http-server -P 8888`Ĭd /path/to/your/local/dev/standalone_react > You'll see `python3 -m rver` in there because I'm testing this with a basic Python server to keep down the 'development package bloat'. "build": "npx babel app.js -out-file -presets minify -watch"

const domContainer document.querySelector('likebuttoncontainer') const root ReactDOM.createRoot( domContainer) root.render(e( LikeButton)) These three lines of code find the
we added to our HTML in the first step, create a React app with it, and then display our Like button React component inside of it.

In your `package.json` you'll want to add the following (at bare minimum): After the starter code, add three lines to the bottom of likebutton.js: //. As our apps get bigger, the production bundles will also get bigger and take longer to load if we don’t split them and load them only when needed. I'm calling mine `standalone_react` (riveting name I know) We need code-splitting so that product React bundles won’t be too big.

react script unpkg

Navigate to a blank directory so we can create our app. The () is exactly what we do in this post with everything working as expected.

react script unpkg

We'll do this by creating a standalone react app using `React` and `Babel`. 'like' button) that can be embedded nearly anywhere and over and over again? How do we make a stand alone component (e.g. How do we build a standalone React app without installing a bunch of npm packages? This post will answer the following questions:

React script unpkg